Riscrivere I, 2015

Riscrivere I, 2015
Monotype, collage, drawing and writing on Tengujo-Kashmir paper 10 gsm, and a wood framework.
50 items: 35 x 70 x 2,5 cm

Reading Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Never Set Foot on and Never Will by Judith Schalansky * inspires this work. It is an atlas-book where maps join the text. It is a journey to fifty islands that exist in reality but that are remote and small, so far away from their mainland that are not mentioned on the official maps.
Attracted by the oceans, fascinated by their depth and by the idea of something infinitely big, the artist has found in this book an approach that is in contrast to hers but equally exciting: the call of what is infinitesimally small.
Fifty items, as many as the islands in the book: painted, drawn, and written Washi paper that is then stretched on a rolling wood framework.

* Schalansky J., Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Never Set Foot on and Never Will, (trad. Atlante delle isole remote. Cinquanta isole dove non sono mai stata e mai andrò, Bompiani, Milano, 2013)


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